Welcome to
Birthright Hawke’s Bay
Child & Family Care
Providing coordinated services for the support and protection of children and families in Hawke’s Bay through strength–based services that change lives.
Birthright Hawke’s Bay, Child & Family Care is a professional and confidential service offering holistic social services and early childhood education services to families whilst maintaining the care, protection, welfare, and best interests of the child or young person.
Parenting can be tough, especially when your child displays challenging behaviour. We can help.
Birthright runs a free 8-week positive parenting programme that helps parents nurture family relationships, while supporting their own emotional wellbeing. Participants report
Rangi is Parenting with More Confidence Now
Rangi came to Birthright looking for advice on how to cope with her children who were displaying challenging behaviour at school and
Billie Has Learnt to Deal With Anger Better
Billie used to yell out in class, which constantly got him into trouble. After working with Community Social Workers at Birthright, he
How Pam Learnt to Parent More Positively
Pam knew she wasn’t being the best mother she could be when she spoke harshly to her kids and swore at them.
2024 Birthright Toy Run
Help give a child a special Christmas & ride in the 37th ANNUAL TWIN CITY TOY RUN. Sunday, 3 November
Money Month: Sow and Grow
Celebrate ‘Money Month’ with us by getting some budgeting tips followed by learning how to grow vegetables to help save
Matariki Celebrations
On Tuesday 21 June 2022, our pre-school mokopuna, their whanau and the Birthright team, celebrated our first official Matariki together!
Meet The Team: Grayson Uncles
Artist and member of Birthright Hawkes Bay’s youth development team, Grayson Uncles, adds the finishing touches to one of the
Our Supporters

National Help Lines and Websites for free information, help and advice.
What’s Up offers phone – and online – counselling for young people from children to teens.
Lifeline is a free service, available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
A free, confidential and non-judgemental telephone counselling service, available 24/7, 365 days a year for all young people.