Our Mission, Vision, and Values

Kia hora to marino, kia whakapapa pounamu te moana, kia tere te Kārohirohi i mua i tou huarahi.
May the calm be widespread, may the ocean glisten as greenstone, may the shimmer of light ever dance across your pathway.
Our Mission
I tipu ngā whānau ki Te Matau-a-Māui. Kia rongo, Kia tautoko, Kia whai mana.
Growing whānau in Hawke’s Bay. To Listen, To Support, To Enable.
Our Vision
Kia taute, kia manawaroa, kia wana te whānau.
Nurtured – Resilient – Inspired children and families.
Our Values
Manaakitanga underpins all of our actions at Birthright. In considering the values for our whànau the theme of “to care for and be cared for” was constant. As a Board we want to acknowledge the whānau (staff / families) who gave of their time and whakaaro to develop these. We believe that the actions that these values inspire will enable us as a whānau to achieve our mission.
Kia kaha, kia māia, kia manawanui
David Sutherland
Doing the right thing even when no one is looking.
- Being accountable
- Doing what you need to, when you need to do it.
Tangata kī tahi
A person who speaks once.
Knowing our stuff and being recognised for this.
- Don’t just talk – walk the talk
- Actively engage in supervision
- Strive towards becoming consciously competent
I tōna wā, he pia te tōhunga
In time the student becomes the expert.
Strength Based
To enhance the mana of whānau.
- Communicating calmly and with respect
- Listening
- Being curious
- Recognising abilities
- Laughing and giving
He iti hau marangai, e tū pāhokahoka
A little storm, but then a rainbow appears.
Social Responsibility
Supporting the community to meet its needs.
- Acting in ways that are sustainable
- Applying Te Tiriti o Waitangi
- Advocating for the whānau and the community
- Thinking and acting
- Equitably
- Inclusively
- Being accountable
Tukua mai ngā hau o Tāwhiri.
Tukua mai ngā wai o Maru.
Tukua mai ngā kai o Haumie.
Hei purea. Hei horoia. Hei whakanoa
Send me the winds of Tāwhiri. Send me the fresh waters of Maru. Send me the fernroot of Haumie. To purify, to cleanse, to remove restrictions.
Everything we do is aimed at creating better outcomes for whānau.
- Networking
- Supporting our peers
- Being innovative
Waiho i te toipoto,
kaua i te toiroa
Let us keep close together and not wide apart.